Who We Support
We Support Organizations that Support our Veterans
Warrior Salute is a fund raising organization that raises funds for selected Veteran organizations.
Our team has focused on giving 100% of the proceeds raised, back to small, local Veteran charities in need and continue to look at new charities that are brought to our board.
Warrior Salute’s Vision is to grow within the community and fill the gaps of bridging people, industry and our military via services and funding while having fun!
Hire Our Heroes is a non-profit organization for Veterans and operated and founded by Veterans. Our goal is to capture each transitioning Veteran ideally within one year prior to their discharge to Train, Mentor and Coach them in job placement. To learn more about HOH, visit our website: https://hireourheroes.org/.

At Palmetto Warrior Connection, we believe in proactive relationships. Leaving the military is a huge transition and we don’t want you to do it alone. Our goal is to be your first stop as we help you determine your options and where to go. To learn more about Palmetto Warrior Connection, visit our website: http://palmettowarriorconnection.org/.

Canines for Service (CFS) selects and trains the dogs for people with mobility disabilities and Veterans with mobility limitations, traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress. To learn more about Canines for Service, visit our website:

Paws4vets is a program of paws4people, Inc., a non-profit charitable corporation established in 1999 by Terry Henry, a Veteran and PTSD survivor, and his daughter, Kyria Henry. The paws4vets program is dedicated to providing therapeutic canine interventions to Active-Duty Service Members, Veterans, and Military Dependents nationwide. To learn more about Paws4vets, visit our website:

The mission of the Young Marines is to positively impact America’s future by providing quality youth development programs for boys and girls that nurture and develops its members into responsible citizens who enjoy and promote a healthy, drug-free lifestyle. To learn more about Young Marines, please visit our website:

America's Run for the Fallen is a nationwide relay foot run in tribute to every Military service member who has died while serving or as a result of serving during the War on Terror, since October 12, 2000. Running over 6,000 miles in nineteen states for nearly 20,000 names. Beginning April 7 at Fort Irwin, CA and ending August 5, 2018, in Arlington National Cemetery. To learn more about Run For The FAllen, please visit our website: